ANDAL’S REIGN OF GRACE


              The prowess it is that yields

                           plenitude and prosperity

              vast as the infinite

                          blue as the sky.


                                      Such is Andal’s field

                                                     of spiritual energy

                                      and they who come to listen

                                                     to my account of

                                      her Reign of Grace

                                                     are assured of attaining to

                                      the sweetness of unison

                                                     with the Absolute

                                      here in this world

                                                     and in this very birth …..


    Sage TGN



It is an experienced fact that the energy-field of Andal has the ingredient in it to confer all-round prosperity on those who are enabled to establish a conscious communion with it. The CD Album of Sage TGN’s 45 Talks (in Tamil) on Andal’s Tiruppavai: Scripture of Wisdom  has been arranged in five Parts:


Vol.  I : Andal’s biography

                                       (i)Andal: Incarnation of Bhoodevi

                                       (ii)Andal’s Advent                                                                            

               (iii)Andal’s Reign of Grace

               (iv)Andal’s Unison with the Supreme Being


Vol. II  : Path to Salvation

                           (Tiruppavai : Verses 1 to 5)


             Vol. III : Emerge out of Slumber!

               (Tiruppavai : Verses 6 to 15)


             Vol. IV : Knock and it shall be opened

                            (Tiruppavai : Verses 16 to 20)


                          Vol. V : Achieve all your Desires

                             (Tiruppavai : Verses 21 to 30)


The Album provides listening material for more than 45 hours .  In the course of the Discourse our Master TGN has brought to light many intricate details of Andal’s unique spiritual journey which had to culminate only in success as such was her ferocious fervour.  The atmosphere of Srivilliputtur where the Saint-Poetess was born is captured in sensitive portrayal and we are able to share the ecstasy of the pilgrimage which everyone born on this Earth has to undertake at some point in our evolution.