In the year 1896 a sixteen-year-old boy by name Venkataraman who was studying in the Matriculation class in the temple-city of Madurai, attained to Self-Realisation. Relinquishing all worldly ties, He undertook a one-way journey to Tiruvannamalai where He stayed for the rest of His lifetime. It was that boy who was acclaimed as Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi. Through a simple question couched in but two words in Tamil, Naan Yaar? (Who am I?) He packed the entire content of the timeless scripture of our ancient land. Persons belonging to all strata of society and all religions – Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Parsees, Jews and even agnostics and atheists sought Him out for spiritual Guidance. He never asked anyone to change his religion or take to sanyasa. He used to say that the claim, ‘I am a sanyasi’ is not much different from ‘I am a grihastha’, because the ‘I’ pursues you even then. His Philosophy was simple, practical and rational to the core. As Arthur Osborne has said, ‘Bhagavan was not a Philosopher working out a system, but was a Realised Soul talking from direct experience.’ That is why Bhagavan’s Message reaches out to the hearts of millions of people in the present times also. In this Talk, our Master TGN portrays the Life and Message of the Sage of Tiruvannamalai in a way that transports us across the zone of time and space.