Bharati – The Philosopher Vol.I
Architect of New Era
Subramania Bharati (1882 – 1921) is known as an inspired
poet, outstanding journalist and freedom-fighter. In addition to this, he was a
philosopher in his own right. Sage T.G.Narayanaswamy has been portraying this
aspect of Bharati’s personality. Bharati was one among the three who expounded
the Advaita philosophy based on the Upanishads in the twentieth century – the
other two being Ramana Maharishi and J.Krishnamurti. The CD Album containing
five Talks in Tamil by Sage TGN on “Bharati – The Philosopher Vol 1 : Architect
of New Era” provides an insight into the immortal works in poetry and prose of
Subramania Bharati who conveys the message of the Upanishads in mellifluous