Bharati – The Philosopher

(Vol II: Bharati Sakthi)


The CD Album contains four Talks in Tamil by Sage T.G.Narayanaswamy on Subramania Bharati. Each Talk, lasting nearly one-and –a- half hours is absorbing and provides insight into hitherto unravelled aspects of Bharati, who was a Philosopher in his own right, a jivan-mukthar, to be precise. It is the Upanishadic philosophy of our land that Bharati has given out in his poetry and prose; his Kannan , Kannamma Paattu portray the experiences and travails of the soul in its journey to Unification with the Absolute. It is this aspect that Sage TGN has captured in his Talks transporting the listeners to a different plane altogether, transcending the ordinary. The Life & Message of Subramania Bharati with intricate details of various incidents are brought out in the most interesting manner as also the background in which various literary works of Bharati were born. On listening to Sage TGN, one could establish a conscious link with the energy-field of Bharati, which has the power to dispel fear and induce courage and enthusiasm in our minds. Bharati himself had conquered fear, including the fear of death, as could be seen in his verse “Achamillai, Achamillai”. The Album would be a precious possession for every family who seek solace from the work-a-day life and would enrich the library of every school wishing to impart value education to its students.