Having had the good fortune to listen to
almost all of our Master TGN's Talks in
The application of Master's Philosophy
has been of immense help and succour to quite a few of my friends and
acquaintances. I shall now relate in brief two such instances in the fond hope
that they could be of some guidance to earnest seekers everywhere.
A lady here, married for some years, had
developed mental depression because there was no sign of progeny. When she
mentioned the problem to me in a tone of sadness, I felt it was the right
moment for me to impart to her the psychic science governing the continuity of
species: "The purpose of your birth is the clearance of the imprints
inherited from your parents and deposited on your life-energy which is
otherwise called the soul. The life-energy is an agglomeration of the most
powerful ethereal particles filling the Universal space, and when it realises
that you may not be able to complete the job of imprint-clearance during your
own life-span, it has to necessarily bring in a
working partner in the form of a son or daughter. Yearning for offspring is an
indication of this need and you should not feel discouraged over your present
position. Instead you should consciously bring your mind to the alpha-level
frequency (8 to 13 cycles per second) and optimistically stress the thought
that your progeny should be bright and noble and equipped to fulfil the mission
of human birth."
The lady listened intently to what I
explained and when she took leave, there was a perceptible lightness in her mind,
which was revealed by her countenance.
When the lady called on me a few weeks
later, she was in jubilation as she announced that the hospital had confirmed
pregnancy. She and her husband, to whom she had communicated the Philosophy,
were confident beyond doubt that the offspring would be an ideal child in every
way. She displayed noticeable respect to me as she said all this; and then and
there I thought the deference was not actually to me for who am I but a pale
moon attempting ever so feebly to reflect the effulgence of the Sun that vouchsafes
light, whichever corner of the globe we may live and move and have our being
The Master's Tapes and Books are a
constant source of curiosity to friends here who later come to learn that
nothing pays like curiosity! A girl in this city — she belongs to the Islamic
community — is a brilliant scholar who is currently doing research for Ph.D. in
an advanced field of environmental sciences. She told me one day that she had
all along been assailed by fears, anxieties and misgivings: "They were
there when I wrote my School Final and they will be there after I take my Ph.D.
On occasions I feel bereft even in the thick of a University-crowd."
By way of reply I explained to her what
Master has taught us over and over again, that the planet Earth is only a caravanserai for
our stay between life and death. Once we understand this and realise that we
only go where we came from, all fears will abate and not until then. I quoted
from Bharati's poem identifying the
The cassettes have been returned to me
just now with the following comments:
The Philosophy of your Master is indeed practical, since it equips and
enables us to tackle the problems of day-to-day living.
It has the quality to dispel despair from the minds of listeners.
Everything is scientifically and
rationally explained.
(iv) The averments come with authority because
your Master's spiritual knowledge is complete and the findings are based on His
direct experience.
Let me conclude this report with a
question: "Could anything other than our Master's words be so universally
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